

Monday, 24 September 2018

All About Term 3

In term 3 I loved all the sports we did but I especially loved doing cross-country and getting fit and healthy. I love how every week from week 3 we did #represent and learned how to be leaders and represent people. Also I still love learning about our NZ history and what went on in NZ before we were born. But this term I definitely knew that if contracts werent here I would be struggling a lot at school. I also loved doing manaiakalani and learning about devices and being cyber smart and improving my blog. Making animations was really fun! Also the last thing is I love doing is RE and learning about God and the holy spirit.     

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

sport sport kiwisport

W.A.L.T write newspaper reports. In kakapo we are making newspaper reports i have posted one all really so this is my 2 one on kiwi sport.  

Every second wednesday this great person named EJ comes to
Pompallier Catholic School and teaches all their students about getting
fit and just playing fun games with their classmates.
A great sporty person from Pompallier School Ryan Taylor said kiwi
sport is…
 “It is very cool and fun to do with mates”

I learned to make my own animation!

W.A.L.T make our own animations in Kakapo class for manaiakalani. I really enjoy doing this because your can set ever thank how you would like it to be, it is a very fun thing or play to make and you can put in your on characters that you love. Also our animations are on a great comment. so then when we are commenting on peoples blogs it will be the best comment. 

Have you made an animations...

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

What a great show that Little Red Robin Hood did in kaitaia

W.A.L.T write a newspaper report we are doing this because we have
been learning about current events and way more things we had to
use the W5H which is who why where when what and how this is my
frist one on the Little Red Robin Hood.

On Thursday on the 6th of september in kaitaia 3 great actors from
NZ playhouse performed a show called Little red Robin Hood

The show was all about showing the students not to be selfish
to each other and they are also trying to spread it around the world.  
A great students from pompallier Milin windlborn said…
“It wasn't the best but it was still funny”

The three great actors continues there show in australia.

By Mitchell wells


Thursday, 6 September 2018



In the library I am doing this programme with me and 4 others. This programme is called #represent it is a programme to help us learn about representing our self helping us to be leaders in the school and coolest thing is we are even doing weekly challenges. the weekly challenges we have done so far are random acts of kindness, be brave talk to someone new, look out for me and the last one is choose the right and ripple effect. We do this programme every week on Thursday. This programme has definitely boosted my confidence to be a great person when i grow up.  
Image result for #represent