W.A.L about Matraiki
In Kakapo class we were learning about matariki with Whaea Ali. we learned about all the stars in matariki and about matariki benefits. Whaea Ail even showed us a new song call
No Te Hohountanga. Whaea give all of us long piece of rope each.Like you can see in the photo Whaea show us cool different designed to do with the rope.after that we made kawakawa balm kawakawa balm can be used for if you have a cold or other things and then we had to go.
Have you ever made kawakawa balm?
W.A.L.T improve our wiring
At pompallier school we had this famous book wiring come to our school has name was des hunt. des hunt showed us how to improve our wiring and readind. des hunt show us about has life and how he got into wiring books. des show us cool thing about him he show us cool science things he even set off a bom in the room. if you want to see des hunts book go on deshunt.com.
W.A.L.T research
In kakapo class on our literacy contracts we had to research about Suzanne Aubert. we research all her cool thing she did over the years she every sailed to new Zealand with bishop jean Francois Pompallier and a number of other missionaries. They sailed on the general testes.
Suzanne Aubert and bishop jean,Francois pompallier land joyfully in new Zealand. In new Zealand Suzanne Aubert taught at a young Maori girl's school. but sadly on the 1 of October 1926 Suzanne Aubert died in wellington.
W.A.L.T make hope sun flowers

In kakapo class for our art we made hope sun flower. Like you can see in the photo there just like normal sun flowers.we had to paint 2 pecs of paper to cut our petals out of. Then while our the 2 pecs of paper were drying for our petals we had to make our things for the middle of our hope sun flowers. we got a brown pic of paper then we had to paint a brown circle in the middle and then we made our designs in the brown circle then cut our petals out and glued them to the circle and hand them up.
W.A.L.T write a letter.
In kakapo class were learning to write a letter home and put our shoes in the soldiers shoes. We were pretending to be in the war and writing a letter home to our family and friends. We had to included ,where we were,what is happening and how are we. Like you can see in the photo in our literacy contract we had to make a poppy to hang next to our letter.
W.A.L.T make clay sculptures.
In week 4 kakapo class made clay sculptures. We all got a tray each with a blob of clay on it. we each made different designs like the one in the photo. Then we had to wait about a week for them to dry. Then you can see that we hung them up on the wall.