Friday 6 November 2020

 What did I enjoy this week? 

I enjoy playing tennis the tournament was fun.

What was one success I have had and why? 

one success was finishing all my learning since I wasn't at school on Wednesday.

What is something that I found challenging and why? 

something I found challenging was doing the sewing because I've never been good at sewing.

What is one thing I have learned? 

one thing I learn is how to hand sew.

What is something I am looking forward to next week? 

something I'm looking for to next week is ripper.

How have I shown the value of Pono this week? 

helping others and doing what is good

Anything else you would like to add. 

Friday 23 October 2020

weekly reflection

What did I enjoy this week? 

I enjoy doing athletics this week especially doing high jump.

What was one success I have had and why?

One success was finishing my maths this week it was really hard but I got through it.

What is something that I found challenging and why? 

One thing I found challenging this week was my letter because it was really hard.

What is one thing I have learned? 

One thing I learnt this week is how to use good chance even chance and poor chance in maths.

What is something I am looking forward to next week? 

I'm looking forward to athletics next week.

How have I shown the value of Pono this week? 

I have shown aroha this week by helping little kids in the playground

Anything else you would like to add. no

Monday 19 October 2020


In class last week we got given a slide that was named the arts there was at least 8 videos all together one on each slide and we had to write down what music meant visual arts dance drama film and our favourite fashion designer and brand this is my slide.


In class last week we were learning about media we learnt about three different kinds of media Print Media broadcasting media and online media we got given a slide that we have to fill out and a create task that is on a Google drawing link

Friday 16 October 2020

weekly reflection

 What did I enjoy this week? 

I enjoyed training for athletics and getting healthy.

What was one success I have had and why? 

One success was getting over a metre 10 in high-jump.

What is something that I found challenging and why? 

One thing I found challenging was doing sprints in athletics.

What is one thing I have learned? 

One thing I learnt was doing mean median and mode.

What is something I am looking forward to next week? 

I am looking forward to Miss Lawless teaching our class next week.

How have I shown the value of Pono this week? 

By being helpful and loyal too people.

Anything else you would like to add. NO

Thursday 15 October 2020

The wake boarding pro

For the holidays I went rangiputa. So Saturday Night we all packed up and were ready to hit the road in the morning. 

We left at around 11 and got there at 11:50. It was really windy so we couldn't launch the jet ski so we went to Puheke and put the torpedo out. I brought my motorbike so I was just riding around as my dad was putting the torpedo out. For some reason that torpedo only went out half way but we left it out for half an hour to see if we would catch anything. The line didn't seem to heavy but we pulled it in and caught one big Snapper which could feed all of us so that was great. 

The next morning we woke up and it was still windy so we waited till low tide then zipped down to the point to put out the mullet net out. Then we came back had lunch and then went to put the Torpedo out again and got 4 snapper. 

Then finally there was no wind and the water was as flat as a pancake we were going to go wake boarding for the first time but then my Mum and Dad decided to go fishing on the jet ski and they came back with 3. 2 Snapper and 1 Trevally. sadly the wind pick up to like 18 knots and it was too windy to go wake boarding but the weather forecast said there would be no wind tomorrow.

I woke up hoping that there was no wind and that the water would still be flat like yesterday morning and it was so we got all the gear ready and jumped into the water for a quick swim before we went wake-boarding for the first time. It took me a couple goes to get my technique right but I got up easy I tried to do cool tricks but failed horrendously.

Then sadly it was time to head home so packed up all our stuff it took us like 2 hours but we hopped into the cars and got home around 12.

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Suzanne Aubert

 In te kahu we had to make a timeline about Suzanne Aubert this got easy when you looked on the website.